Frequently Asked Questions

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What is in EquiFlow

Ingredients per 30ml:

Sodium Hyaluronate 102mg

Ascorbic Acid (Vit.C) 72mg

What is important about the Hyaluronic Acid in the joint supplement I buy?

megaHA derives its special properties from its size (700,000 - 1 million Daltons), HA molecules smaller than this will not offer the same properties.

The size of the HA molecule we supplement our animals with is critical to maximise its efficacy.

Purified hyaluronic acid produced by microbial fermentation (such as in CaniFlow and EquiFlow) has been shown to be taken up by the animal after oral administration and be concentrated in the skin, bone and joints.

Other commercial preparations using HA from animal-derived sources have not been shown to be absorbed after feeding and their HA molecules are likely to be too small to deliver a benefit to your animal and may even cause inflammation.

What is Vitamin C used for?

Vitamin C is used in the synthesis of collagen, an important protein required for cartilage repair and function.

What is the difference between oral supplementation and injections of Hyaluronic Acid?

Following a diagnosis of degenerative joint disease or tenosynovitis, (inflammation of the tendon sheath), injections of HA can be delivered directly into the diseased joint, making it available immediately in high concentrations.  However, this can only be carried out by a veterinary surgeon.

The procedure is minimally invasive but comes with a risk of infection and some animals may develop a short-term adverse, inflammatory reaction (joint flare).

The injectable form may also be administered intravenously but studies have shown the half life is only a few hours, suggesting that the hyaluronic acid is cleared from the body quickly and that the benefits might be short-lived.

Oral supplementation has the advantage of the HA being delivered all over the body.  Therefore animals with multiple affected joints or tendon sheaths can benefit from oral administration.

Daily oral provision of HA by the owner is the most pragmatic means of achieving long term maintenance of healthy joints.

Where does Hyaluronic Acid come from?

In most instances, HA has been isolated from chicken by-products; through hydrolysis of cartilage or from rooster combs.  When sourced in this way, it is small molecules and a low purity state with a high protein content and is not as effective.

EquiFlow and CaniFlow mHA is manufactured in the UK under pharmaceutical conditions (Good Manufacturing Practice) through microbial fermentation. This process gives a high purity, high quality, uniform product. It also means that no animals are involved in the process and it’s suitable for those wishing to live a vegan lifestyle.

What testing is done on EquiFlow?

In an approved laboratory, each batch undergoes Naturally Occurring Prohibited Substances (NOPS) testing to guarantee it is free from commonly known contaminants (full list available on request).

Is it safe to use CaniFlow and EquiFlow with other supplements and veterinary prescribed medicines?

Yes. There are no known interactions with other supplements or medications.

How to use EquiFlow?

Consult the label and identify the weight related dose for your horse/pony and apply the cuff (s) to the shaft of the pump if required. Load with one dose twice a day in the feed for the first 5 days and then maintain at one dose per day.

A 1 litre container will last for approximately 28 days and a 2.5 litre container will last for around 11 weeks, if using the 30ml dose including the loading period; 33 days and 12 weeks respectively on maintenance.

Many owners report improvements within 7 days, with horses showing more comfortable, fluid gaits and improved levels of lameness, but we suggest leaving it for 4 weeks before making an evaluation of your horse’s response.

When to use EquiFlow?

Equiflow is useful to help animals with a musculoskeletal injury, supporting the repairing tissue until it is healed.  Alternatively it can be used as an ongoing aid for horses and ponies suffering progressive, degenerative issues or even in younger animals as part of a prophylactic programme.

The feedback that we have received has been very positive, with most clients opting to keep their horses on Equiflow long-term.

How should EquiFlow be stored and how long will it last once it’s opened?

EquiFlow should be kept at room temperature, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

As long as the pump is fitted to the open container, EquiFlow can be used until the printed expiry date.